
We warmly invite you into a series of spaces to develop and practice personal and social skills for community transformation. We are offering creative activity and reflection spaces to question, reimagine and build wholeness into the systems in which we live, work, and collaborate. We will grapple and stretch, dig and plant seeds, to break open and grow individually and together.
Dates: 6 Wednesday evenings: March 23 - April 27.
Time: 6:30-8:30pm Eastern Time/7:30-9:30pm Atlantic Time.
Series Outcomes/Objectives:
Broaden capacity to engage in practices for individual and collective ability to respond in these changing, complex times
Expand creativity and artistic tools for communicating in challenging situations and expressing future visions related to land, food sovereignty and belonging
Build connections with folks who are interested in deepening their relationships with land and envisioning enlivening futures
Session Details:
March 23: Through the visual activity "Storylines," and inspired by patterns from the natural world, we will reflect on the pathways that have brought us to this convergence of seeding solidarity and composting oppression.
March 30: Using the creative tools of "Powerful Planning", we will apply an intersectional approach to notice all that we try to hold, focusing a lens on ‘what already works’ and designing tangible, contextual steps forward.
April 6: The activity "Fair Shot" will develop our collective awareness of inequitable social structures and will imprint the practice of re-designing culture based on caring, equitable relationships.
April 13: "Theatre of The Oppressed" offers us an opportunity to creatively reflect on how we show up in accountable relationships, learn from mistakes, and build our competence to respond to everyday injustices.
April 20: We will explore creative embodied practices that strengthen our capacities to be with big changes, touching into the alchemy that moves us through grief and celebration.
April 27: We will gather for a “Teahouse” of questions, reflections and being together in order to integrate our learning journey and save seeds for future inquiry and practice.
Series Cost: Sliding Scale of $180 - $360
Accessibility: We are committed to making this series welcoming and accessible to all. Please let us know in advance how we can accommodate any needs you may have for full participation.
How to Register: Visit www.paulwartman.com/seeding to register and for more info about us.
Host facilitators: Hannah Atkinson Renglich, Heather Thoma, and Paul Wartman
Contact: manyworldsmanyways@gmail.com