This was a year and a half ago. We had just re-started our farm, @florerenfarm, ilana had just given birth to Roo, and we had just moved to an old, beautiful farm house in Nova Scotia, Mi'kma'ki. All of which took (and is still taking) a lot of planning, optimism, and support from our community, including necessary access to intergenerational wealth, which I include because we need to talk about it more.

Since this photo was taken, and over the past 14 years since I’ve been invited into awareness of the complex topics of social injustices and peace, deciding how to move forward has been complicated. The topics of climate change, local food, anti-racism + love of diversity, celebration of and safety for 2SLGBTQ+ friends, sovereignty, and so much more, are topics that demand time, effort, vulnerability, upset, and love to engage with. They are topics that constantly push folks to extremes of disengaging or engaging to the point of burnout.
I think I would be overcome with the weight of these topics and, making use of my privilege, I would choose to disengage if not for the caring spaces and social tools shared with me over the years by all the tender humans in my life. I don't know if I would have had the courage to know about all the issues in this world and still have a baby or still plant seeds or still be in relationship with community who are directly impacted by social injustices, if not for practices of solidarity. But I did engage and I continue to because I love who I am when I am creatively and compassionately challenged by people who care about and support me.
If you find yourself choosing, or not having the choice, to engage in these topics and are in need of inspiration, caring spaces, social tools, people who will compassionately challenge you to stay engaged in these topics, then check out the individual sessions available as part of the Seeding Solidarity Composting Oppression series.
(Click "Seeding" tab for more details and registration).